The insurance industry has witnessed a profound transformation in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. This evolution is particularly beneficial for corporate customers. At ICICI Lombard we have developed a host of digital solutions that can provide you with a range of advantages that extend well beyond the traditional insurance model. These digital innovations offer a new level of efficiency, customization and customization, revolutionizing the way customers interact with us.
APIs are a robust solution designed to facilitate seamless connectivity between customers and IL systems for efficient policy management. If you are an orgnaisation, by leveraging this technology, you can automate and streamline your policy related processes, eliminating the need for any manual intervention.
The API’s ensure enhanced data security by eliminating the exchanges of a company’s personally identifiable information over emails and minimizing the risk of data breaches. By automating the policy related processes, we have been able to reduce the turnaround time to a few hours for faster policy management with great operational efficiency.
We offer a wide range of functionalities over APIs to our clients. It includes APIs for quote issuance, policy booking, claims processing and policy servicing. Detailed documentation of the APIs is available for clients upon request. The documentation provides a step by step instruction of how to integrate the API into client systems and effectively utilize its functionalities. Our dedicated support team is available to assist the clients throughout the integration journey.
The Enrolment Portal offers a transformative solution for organizations seeking to simplify health insurance enrolment process for their employees.
It serves as a DIY tool for corporate employees to directly enter their Health Policy related information for policy processing. With the portal’s intuitive interface and automated data collection, the HR personnel is significantly relieved from the burden of manual data collection.
It is highly flexible and customizable to align with a specific corporate health policy to provide a smooth and personalized experience for their employees. It has all comprehensive validations incorporated to ensure all the necessary data is provided correctly reducing the need for manual intervention and data manipulation before policy placement.
The features made available on the portal are:
If you would like to explore this tool further, please reach out to us.
IL TakeCare app is a One-Stop-Solution for all users with insurance needs. The app providers a wide range of services from the basics of an insurance requirement to Wellness Services and other Insurance products to explore and purchase. Below are key features of the app
Scan the QR code to download.